“Everything you need to know for your own trauma healing is within you. You can access it when you are ready to take the risk.”
Franz Ruppert

Working with the Intention Method
“Who am I and what do I want?”
An IoPT self-encounter session is a step-by-step process in which you can explore your psyche. You will be able to explore who you are, what you want in your life and why, for example, it is not happening yet.

In your step-by-step process the relationships and conflicts between the healthy, traumatised and survival parts of oneself are revealed. By gaining direct access to these parts and also to what is normally, often the unconscious split off traumatised parts of yourself, you then have the opportunity to re-connect with and integrate these parts enabling you to become more of who you truly are. To fully and completely living one’s own identity. So that we can express and realize what is at the core of our being.
How do we recognize that we are in touch with our own identity? Here too, experience shows: We need a healthy self, a free will and to be in close emotional contact with our body.
When we only orient ourselves towards others, what they do for us, when we primarily fulfill others’ wishes we are no longer fully present. An aspect of not having a healthy relationship to oneself is not being able to have good relations with others.
By facilitating a selfhealing environment, I use the Intention Method to increase the awareness of splits, or parts, of our identity. These cleavages are caused by traumatic life experiences, and you can take targeted steps towards healing yourself.
“You know what is true.
Your body knows the answer.”
Franz Ruppert

How IoPT works
The method, by which we implement the insights and objectives of the Identity-oriented Psychotraumatology Theory (IoPT), is called the Intention Method.
Based on the cliënts intention
Which means the following: To begin the process, a client formulates his/her Sentence of Intention – which consists of words, signs and/or symbols. No further information from the client is needed. Everything needed, will show up in the process. Here are a few examples of intentions:
- I want to heal my wounds from child hood.
- I want to stop my anxiety
- I want a better relationship with my daughter.
- What happened to me?
- I wish for another job
- and so on…
The intentions come in many variations, and all are accepted as formulated by the client. The intention provides a safe and defined framework.
The intention can be written in the namebox after the the intentionholders name. He/she may reflect once again, while writing and if necessary, modify. When the client gives the signal to start, the resonance giver(s) in a group session find non-verbally their place in the basic structure of the intention. In an individual session we work with sticky notes and the person can resonate his- or herself with the elements and/or ask me at some point to resonate with an element.
Now the process begins, in which, the one who is working on himself, can obtain a deep insight into his/her inner being. Every word reflects an essential facet of his psyche. Often unconscious and repressed experiences, from one’s own (trauma)biography, show up. This allows him/her, to consciously get in touch. In the event that he/she also has emotional contact, a sustainable change process takes place in his psyche. Healthy mental structures can get more space, traumatised parts can be freed from inner banishment and trauma survival strategies can lose their credibility.
The intention provides, for those who work therapeutically on themselves, a safe and defined framework. The facilitator supports him in his process and, initiates external impulses, where healing and change processes are beneficial and relevant.

Information about how to make an appointment. To book a session please contact me at welkom@hetwarezelfinzicht.nl . I offer IoPT online group sessions every last Friday of the month and IoPT online 1-to-1 sessions on different timeslots. You can find more information about online group sessions at yourselfhealing.online